Beware of cotton buds

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Beware of cotton buds

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Thèmes abordés : hearing

Auditory health: cotton buds can damage your hearing

For several years now, healthcare professionals have been questioning the use of cotton buds. In addition to the harm they do to the environment, experts are wary of the way we use these products for cleaning our ears. These small plastic batons turn out to be more dangerous than we think.

Publication Optical Center, written by  17.09.2019 - 15h32

A risk for our auditory health

During the summer, a young woman underwent an operation following a bacterial infection which had damaged her auditory canal. The infection had been caused by cotton fibres which had been trapped for several years. Specialists recommend that cotton buds must be used only occasionally and with caution. Ear wax inside our ears should not be removed as it has useful properties and in principle vanishes on its own.

What use is ear wax?

Ear wax has useful properties which should not be neglected. It prevents the skin lining the auditory canal from drying-out. Its acidity creates a barrier against bacterial and fungal infections. It also captures dust and other particles. Cotton buds should never be inserted deeply into the auditory canal. They should be used only to clean noticeable ear wax. Part of the cotton tip must always remain visible.

What are the alternatives to cotton buds?

Various solutions exist. Soap and water can be applied to lobes and the visible parts of the ear. Simply drying with a towel will eliminate ear wax. Cleansing sprays or saline solutions can also be used. A bamboo ecological version called Oriculi also exists. Beware however of inserting these types of ear swabs deeply.

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